The Formula for Your Most Successful Year Yet.

Why is it some people seem to ooze motivation while others constantly fall short?

I’ve spent my career searching for the answer to this question, knowing if I could work out the formula I could help ANYBODY achieve the body, health and life of their dreams! So, do you want to know it?



C = Commitment
Wanting to achieve something new can seem like such an enormous task, that it can paralysis us before we’ve even got started. This year look at your goal through a different leans, write on a piece of paper; “I fully commit to…. (my goal) by….. (time frame) so I can….. (outcome - scroll down to M for more help) to bring more……(benefit) into my life. Now you only have 2 options; progress or die trying!
I = Information
Don’t overlook this one or presume you already know it, arming yourself with the latest knowledge is a guaranteed way to side step pot holes and accelerate you to your goals. For example; weight loss isn’t as simple as eat less, move more, olive oil isn’t a healthy oil to cook with and running isn’t the most effective way to burn fat (especially for women aged 30-50.) Find a trusted source and ask them for help, then if it doesn’t work refer back to C and start again with the additional knowledge you’ve picked up!

M = Motivation
Why do you want to achieve it? Answer this with a statement that’s so personally compelling for you, that you spring out of bed every morning ready to take on your next challenge. Make it personal to you, think about how much better your life will be when you achieve it, how you’ll be able to show up better for people in your life and how you’ll be able to help them even more - putting yourself first isn’t selfish it’s essential if you want to keep up with demand!

A = Accountability
The level of support and accountability you receive is directly correlated to how successful you’ll be. Nobody achieves success on their own and it’s not half as much fun either. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to keep you accountable, this is one of the parts I love most about our ‘Be More’ group coaching programme. 20 people start the process as nervous strangers, but leave with life long accountability buddies, to keep each other on track! The great thing about success is that most people will go out of their way to help others experience the benefits they feel - so don’t be afraid to ask.

DI*100 = Do it
Achieving your goal relies almost solely on your daily habits. Habits are influenced by one thing - the actions you take. Consistently doing something different creates a ripple effect; doing something differently evolves into thinking differently, which then evolves into physically seeing different outcomes in your life!

Most people have experienced C through to A on our formula but the secret to achieving your most successful year yet is to consistently do it, don’t wait for New Years, Mondays or next weeks, expect curve balls to try to de-rail you, as Tony Robbins says ‘Change is inevitable - but progress is optional’

If you want 2016 to be your most successful year yet you need to make it happen - start with the small actions you can change and focus on the consistency of doing them every day!

Start your year off to a flying start with our 6 week ‘Be More’ course. Learn the every day tools you need to become physically, emotionally and mentally fit whilst saving time and money, find out more and watch the video here.




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