Overnight Oatbran & All it’s Benefits

Overnight Oat Bran


Breakfast is commonly forgotten about in our fasrt paced world and is the most under planned meal of the day, yet ironically is has the power to shape our entire day! This recipe ticks all the common barriers to eating breakfast, it’s easy to make, portable and universally delicious!


You will need;

A portable container and a spoon.

Suggested reading - Check out our Chia Porridge recipe for tips on creating a bulk dry mix that will last you a month of breakfasts!

Ingredients (to serve 4):

  • 2 tbsp of Oatbran (also works with organic steel cut porridge oats)
  • 2 tbsp of Chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp of flax seeds (optional)
  • 1 handful of fresh/ frozen berries
  • 200ml of coconut or almond milk (add more depending on the consistency you prefer)
  • 1 tbsp of Greek yoghurt (optional to make it really creamy)


Additional Flavours;

  • Nutty Banana - Replace 1/2 the berries with 1/2 a banana & add a tbsp of nut butter.
  • Cinnamon & Raisins - Replace the berries with a small handful of raisins & add a tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of honey.
  • Coconut Latte - Replace 100ml of milk with 100ml of brewed coffee, let it cool then add along with desiccated coconut flakes.
  • Bitter Sweet - Add 1 tsp of cacao powder and 1 tsp of honey.


Step 1: Add everything to your container, stir well and pop in the fridge, you can save a few toppings back to garnish the top if you want to make it look pretty!

Step 2: After 30 minutes (or in the morning) give it another quick stir to make sure all the ingredients are mixed well and add a little more milk if necessary (depending on your preferred consistency.)

Step 3: Just before you rush off to work add 1 tbsp of Greek yoghurt for extra creaminess and enjoy your nutrient-packed breakfast without the usual hassle.




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Pip and The BBSF Team 
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