October’s Client of the Month - Julie

Never run before………………

Octobers client of the month is Julie Tipper. (Who by the way still looks fabulous even though I sprung the camera on her AFTER Wednesday’s class)

In July Julie wanted to make a change, she wanted to make sure she maintained her health and fitness and kept her weight under control. She told us; “I knew my previous routine of mainly walking 10000 steps a day and yoga wasn’t enough and I wanted to add in some aerobic and strength training, but joining a gym didn’t appeal. So I searched on Google and found the outdoor class in Sandling, Maidstone. The classes sounded different so I gave them a try and really enjoyed the other aspects of leading a healthy life that are covered too.”

Since July Julie has religiously attended our Wednesday class, going from never running to signing up to a 5km race early next year! She told us; “I feel fitter and a bit more in control. I have more self-belief that I can maintain a good level of health and fitness and don’t need to resign myself to getting old just yet! I surprised myself when I woke up one morning and decided I was going to do a 5km race. I know that sounds trivial to you, but I have NEVER run and always believed that it just wasn’t for me. All of a sudden I knew that I could do it and it felt like the right thing to do. I can only attribute this change to your influence!”

5km certainly isn’t trivial, and we want to celebrate Julie’s achievements by crowning her client of the month. She represents the entire DayOne Wellness ethos of ‘progress not perfection.’ It’s very easy to become paralysised by the enormous task of changing and embracing new habits but Julie’s dedication to pushing herself just a little bit more each week has resulted in a change not even she believed was possible!

Well done Julie, we love having you at the class, pushing boundaries each week and showing the newbies what’s possible! Come rain or shine you’re always smiling and we already know you’re going to be fantastic at your 5km race!  

Pip 🙂

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