Meet Louise & Our Southcote Family.

Our Growing Team

We are delighted to introduce the newest member to the DayOne Wellness Team. Say hello to Louise, who is a mum of three, passionate about helping other busy mums prioritise their health without the usual guilt trip felt in today’s busy world.

Louise says; “Just like millions of other mums I used to feel bad about having time away from my kids, but spending time on my myself means I’m able to be an even better mum because I have so much more energy to juggle the daily demands - I’m looking forward to helping other busy parents do the same”

Louise has hit the ground running, already working her way through our waiting list to deliver our signature 12 week one to one coaching programme. We are honoured to have her a part of the team because it means we can help even more people transform their bodies and restore their health.

Louise’s New Client Offer

As an introductory offer Louise is offering a 15% discount off the entire 12 week programme when you book before the 1st of March 2016. To qualify simply request a free health consultation call where we can find out more about your goals and explain our revolutionary programme.


But that’s not all the good news;

We’ve also got a new base! Some of you may know, over the winter months Southcote Chiropractic Clinic has kindly opened it’s doors to provide us with a warm roof when the British weather and short daylight hours made it difficult to train outside. During that time we’ve become very fond of our new extended family and have decided to stay. Their customer centred ethos is very similar to ours and promote the tag line;

‘Your health is our concern.’

The private personal training studio provides a great variation of equipment and spacious surroundings for our growing client base. Plus it’s great to be able to call upon experienced Chiropractors, Sports Massage Therapists, Counselors and a Reflexologist to accelerate our clients to optimal health.

The collaboration has also inspired us to launch monthly ‘Wellness Clinics’ with the first one likely to be in early spring so watch this space!


Dedicated to your health and happiness.

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