May’s Client of the Month - Mandy Marshall

Finally Winning!

Meet May’s client of the month Mandy Marshall. Mandy is a busy mum of three grown up children who first found DayOne Wellness after searching for outdoor fitness classes in her local area. Mandy has battled with her weight almost her entire adult life and was starting to believe that nothing would work for her. After attending six weeks of bootcamp classes she was feeling much fitter but still wasn’t achieving the weight loss results she desired. I recommend an initial appointment so I could analysis the other area’s of her life in greater detail. We discussed her current lifestyle and although Mandy’s nutrition was fairly good, her diet and lifestyle weren’t tailored to her body or goals.


Mandy says;

I had yo-yo’d with the same 7lbs for ages and was at a point where nothing I did would shift any pounds. My clothes were tight and my initial aim was to make my trousers fit! I am amazed that I have not only lost those stubborn 7lbs but have gone on to lose a bit more too. Pip has taught me to understand about how different foods can make me feel, I have a better sleeping pattern and I love Bootcamp.  I am astounded that I can now run 10 minutes without stopping – something I would never have thought possible. Thanks to Pip, I am gradually getting fitter and healthier and am putting me first for once. Thank you DayOne Wellness, this is just the beginning.

Progress over perfection!

Mandy is a well deserved winner of our client of the month because her dedication to her health has been incredible! Each week Mandy has embraced the weekly tasks enabling her to access a much better quality of sleep, become much more aware of the foods that work for her body and I love that she’s started running outside in the morning - because she enjoys it! Her energy levels have dramatically increased, her body is much fitter, stronger and more flexible and most importantly she’s proven to herself that she can lose weight, because she now needs to buy a new wardrobe! Well done Mandy I’m so proud of what you’ve been able to achieve in 12 weeks and you’re an inspiration to women everywhere who are on the verge of giving up - you’ve shown us what’s possible!

Dedicated to helping you achieve more,


‘If you want something you’ve never had before, you’ve got to be prepared to do something you’ve never done before’

Ready to follow in Mandy’s footsteps but not sure where to start? Send us an e-mail at and we’ll help you to progress towards your goals with a service that fit’s your lifestyle and budget.

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