February’s Client of the Month - Meet Kaye!

Giving a Whole New Meaning to No Pain No Gain!

When Kaye first walked into Southcote - assisted by her husband Peter, it was clear to see the enormous amount of pain she was in. Kaye suffers from systemic rheumatoid arthritis which had progressively deteriorated over the last 5 years. The excruciating pain had made Kaye nervous to exercise for the fear of making her condition worse. Thankfully, her forward thinking specialist referred her to us and 10 weeks on the difference in Kaye’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is astounding - just look at that smile!

Kaye  Says;

“I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for a long time and, in the last couple of years, because of the pain, I have gradually been able to do less and less. My mobility has suffered with me causing me to end up in hospital last year because I couldn’t walk. This was very frustrating as I have always been active and independent. I couldn’t even do the most basic of household tasks and avoided all exercise because of the pain. I also put on weight, which didn’t help. I didn’t even want to go on holiday. My doctor has helped control the arthritis and referred me to Pip to help rebuild my strength.

Pip has helped me to understand practical ways to improve my diet and I have found it easy to adopt her advice and incorporate food and ways of cooking that have already help me. She has also put me through a thorough exercise regime and pushed me close to my limits, which I had hardly dared to do before. She has given me the confidence to exercise in a way that suits me. Despite the inevitable pain that follows, it has been bearable and has been hugely beneficial in building my strength. I now exercise whenever I can at home often with other members of my family who are all impressed with my progress in just 10 weeks, plus  I’ve found it can be fun too! At last, I am able to do things around the house and go out without a wheelchair. I am in a much better frame of mind and have a more positive outlook. I know I have quite a way to go - but I know I am on the right path and will continue to work with Pip to keep me motivated and progressing in the right direction.”

A Well Deserved Winner!

Kaye is a well deserved winner of our client of the month status. When anyone is in that amount of pain - the easy option is always to give up and feel sorry for yourself. After our first consultation I knew that wouldn’t be the case with Kaye, her drive to regain her independence has seen her complete incredible feats of strength, courage and determination that I’ve been personally inspired to witness.

She is living proof that no matter what health situation you find yourself in, you can ALWAYS improve it with a combination of; unwavering belief and targeted lifestyle upgrades.

We are still a little way from Kaye’s ultimate goal; to walk up stairs unassisted and pain free. However, the progress she’s made in just 10 sessions is a great sign there’s even better things to come! The fact Kaye can now walk outside unassisted, sleep without constantly being woken by pain and exercise without fear means the direction she’s heading in is an exciting one - her mobility has improved so much I even had her rolling around on a stability ball in the gym last week!

Well done Kaye you’re an absolute inspiration and honour to work with - who know’s what we’ll be able to report on this time next year!

If Kaye’s story has inspired you, you can find more nutritional tips and wellness advice from me and the rest of the in our private D1 Facebook group.
We only have two rules for member; 1. You have to want to become the best you. 2. Once you’re 1/2 way there - you support others to do the same!

Dedicated to simplifying well being to maximise potential,

Pip and The DayOne Wellness Team.

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