Egg Bake to Go…….

EGG BAKE TO GO. Brief; More and more people are noticing cereals or toast are not the most beneficial foods to start the day…..but the next question is always; ‘So what do I eat?’ This can be a hard barrier for people to overcome especially because toast and cereal are convenient foods for a busy…

Sugar Free Protein Smoothie Bowl

Brief; Smoothies and juices are a fantastic way of increasing the amount of micro nutrients in your diet. The problem we’ve found is that most recipes either contain way too much sugar (natural sugar will still have exactly the same harmful effects on your blood sugar it’s just it comes in with added benefits) or…

Overnight Oatbran & All it’s Benefits

Overnight Oat Bran Brief; Breakfast is commonly forgotten about in our fasrt paced world and is the most under planned meal of the day, yet ironically is has the power to shape our entire day! This recipe ticks all the common barriers to eating breakfast, it’s easy to make, portable and universally delicious!   You will…

60 second yoghurt pot breakfast

Brief; This super speedy breakfast can be thrown together in minutes and even taken on the go to have at work. If you are not a morning person, this is the perfect balance of protein, healthy fats and natural sugar to ensure you start your day right! You will need; A bowl and spoon.  …

Freezable Hulk Shake

Brief; Creating your Shake. Finding something quick, nutritious and affordable for breakfast can be a real challenge. A lack of options first thing in the morning - when your brain hasn’t quite engaged could sabotage a new healthy lifestyle. To stop that from happening, try our hulk shake recipe. It’s great because you can batch…

Coconut Breakfast Smoothie.

Brief; One of the first things I upgrade when I start working with a client, is their breakfast. About 50% skip it, 30% have the standard low nutritional toast or cereal and 20% use coffee to start their days. The problem with all of these options are none of them set you up for a…

Carrot, Apple & Ginger Shake

Shake it baby! I keep getting requests for different smoothie/shake recipes, so this week I’ve been experimenting with my favourites. This one is even more filling than the Super Green Power Smoothie but with a few less nutrients. Ideal to have if you experience the 3pm slump. You will need; A blender, (read the instructions to see…

Upgrade your Breakfast Cereal

Nutrient Upgrade Challenge. Convenience foods are everywhere and due to a lack of time and money they have become a staple in a lot of our diets however they’re wreaking havoc on our health and well-being. It’s time for change! The biggest barriers to nutritious old school meals are; time and money. I’ve set myself a mission…

2 Minute Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding Brief: This chia seed pudding is packed full of nutrients and can be enjoyed as a quick grab and go breakfast, or after dinner dessert upgrade. These tiny seeds are packed with protein, magnesium, essential fatty acids and fibre as well as many other vitamins and minerals to fuel the best you….

Super Green Power Smoothie

Power up your mornings! Start every morning with natural energy. We’ve experimented with lots of variations of green shakes to bring you a formula that’s packed full of nutrients, tastes great and doesn’t spike your blood sugar! Watch out for excessive fruit in conventional smoothies! You will need: A blender, knife, chopping board. Ingredients: Mix and…