Wellness Blog

One year in - here’s what I’ve learnt!

The life lessons I’ve learnt from my first year in business. Earlier this month I celebrated DayOne Wellness’s first birthday and it made me reflect on the roller coaster year I’d experienced. The strangest part for me, were the amount of invaluable lessons I seemed to be learning in business that when replicated were directly benefiting my coaching…

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October 22, 2023

September’s Client of the Month - Lee

Investing in Himself to benefit others. Septembers client of the month is Lee Christopher Scott. Lee first started training with us at our Wild Wellness Maidstone Bootcamp classes, but just over 9 weeks ago he decided he wanted to accelerate his results with our 1:1 coaching programme. Lee is a busy manager with two children, who’s…

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October 1, 2023

How to Achieve ANYTHING - Part 1 Clarity

Part 1 - Clarity For real change to happen, first its essential we get crystal clear on our vision. This means fully understanding the benefits and drawbacks as well as the physical, emotional and financial costs of changing. Most people fail because their vision isn’t specific or compelling enough to make them want to change. Watch the video below then…

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September 29, 2023

Carrot, Orange & Fennel Slowcooker Soup

Brief; I love any dish that involves chucking everything in a pot and waiting, it saves on time and washing up but unfortunately this usually leaves food tasteless. Thankfully soups are generally the exception to that rule and today recipe definitely is! If you fancy something a bit different from the standard carrot and coriander but still…

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September 29, 2023

Chicken & Chips - #D1Wellness Style

Brief; This dish is our speedy dinner party back up, it may look like a lot of ingredients but you’ll find most of them in your store cupboards. We make this dish a lot because like anyone, we love having our friends over but sometimes we underestimate how busy our day is going to be…

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September 22, 2023

Pesto Salmon with Courgetti Spaghetti

Brief; This dish takes 20 minutes from start to finish, looks fantastic and tastes incredible. It’s a solid mid week favourite in my house and has converted many salmon dodgers. It’s rich in healthy fats and you can easily swap the cream sauce to a tomato one if you can’t tolerate dairy.   You will need;…

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September 22, 2023

August Client of the Month - Steve

Not giving in! August’s client of the month is Steve Archer. Steve suffers with an autoimmune condition which means his body has started attacking itself - most doctors will say there’s not a lot you can do about this kind of disease, apart from slow it down. However in the 6 short weeks I’ve been…

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September 4, 2023

3 Reasons to Eat Full Fat in Your Diet.

Fat won’t make you fat! Most people are starting to become aware that low fat products are loaded sugar, which isn’t good news for our waistlines or our health. Unfortunately many of our clients are still a bit scared of eating real fats due to years of being told their bad for us. In this video…

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September 4, 2023

Post Workout Protein Power

Brief; To get all the benefits from a muscular strength workout or high intensity session you must refuel with the correct  post workout nutrition. Protein is essential post workout but getting it from a ‘clean’ and quality source is also really important. Play around with the ingredients and amounts to find your perfect consistency and taste but always…

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September 3, 2023

3 Things EVERYBODY should know about weight loss.

Why is it so hard to lose weight and keep it off? In the video below I share three things that helps our clients understand how to achieve the long-term body transformations they crave. There’s no need to be dis-empowered and blame your body anymore, real results are possible for everyone - once you understand…

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August 24, 2023