September’s Client of the Month - Lee

Investing in Himself to benefit others.

Septembers client of the month is Lee Christopher Scott.

Lee first started training with us at our Wild Wellness Maidstone Bootcamp classes, but just over 9 weeks ago he decided he wanted to accelerate his results with our 1:1 coaching programme.

Lee is a busy manager with two children, who’s energy levels were struggling to help him juggle his numerous responsibilities. Thankfully in August he decided to invest in himself and started attending weekly 1:1 coaching sessions.

Since starting our 12 week intensive programme, Lee’s lost over 1/2 a stone, is more productive with his time, which has resulted in increased energy allowing him to start volunteering! His strength & fitness is dramatically improved week on week, so much so that three weeks ago Lee completed 13.2 miles when he crossed the line at the Great North Run.

These are all excellent achievements but from my point of view the most exciting change is that he’s started listening to his own body. He is becoming a master of his bio-feedback and is making choices based on how it’s going to benefit his overall health and long-term well-being.

Lee won’t mind me saying, that due to a lack of interest in the topic his nutritional knowledge before the programme wasn’t great. However his willingness to learn and understand how different foods, mindsets and lifestyle choices affected his overall well-being means; over 80% of the time he’s making informed positive health choices and as for the other 20%, you can guarantee he’ll be eating it mindfully, even if it is a croissant!

Well done Lee, you’ve had a lot throw at you in the last 9 weeks but your commitment to your vision has never wavered, this is why you’re my client of the month, because we all have a plan until we get punched in the face, but it’s the people that get back up and try again that shows us all what true commitment is! Congratulations you deserve it!

Always committed to your progress.


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