One year in - here’s what I’ve learnt!

The life lessons I’ve learnt from my first year in business.

Earlier this month I celebrated DayOne Wellness’s first birthday and it made me reflect on the roller coaster year I’d experienced. The strangest part for me, were the amount of invaluable lessons I seemed to be learning in business that when replicated were directly benefiting my coaching clients. Of course now it almost seems too obvious; my biggest struggles were finding the time and my own limiting belief’s, now where have I heard that before…………….

So whether you’re reading this from a business perspective or health perspective ironically it doesn’t matter because these three lessons are essential for both scenario’s.

Lesson #1 - Commit to the process

I had been thinking about starting DayOne Wellness for at least twelve months before actually making the jump but I kept telling myself; the timing wasn’t right, or that I needed to save a bit more money first. Ultimately it came down to one thing; I wasn’t ready because it wasn’t my priority. But here’s the secret I discovered: Once what ever you want to achieve does become your priority, once it feels so urgent that you feel you have to do something about it, all you need to do is approach it from a different angle, approach it from the commitment angle, because once you are fully committed to a goal you only really have two options; succeed or die trying either way you win because it’s the process that will provide you what you need.

Lesson #2 - Grow your circle of influence

I regularly listen to health, business and personal development podcasts in my ‘dead time’ like when I’m driving, cooking or doing housework. I can’t remember which one I heard it on first but I’ve heard variations of this quote numerous times since; “If you want to be a millionaire, you need to hang around with billionaires.” Now I’m not extremely money driven however I am driven by success so I knew in order for me to accelerate my results I needed to find a mentor or support group that would help me do that, in exactly the same way my clients use me. I once heard coaching described as a time machine because you get the opportunity to learn from all your coaches mistakes, experience and expertise which inevitably accelerates your success much faster than you could ever achieve on your own. For me this is the key, I know I will succeed on my own (because I’ve learnt lesson #1), but I also know my mentors, mastermind groups and coaches will dramatically accelerate the process! Plus patience never was one of my strong qualities. 

Lesson #3 - Hold the vision, trust the process

This lesson has taken me the longest to discover and if I’m honest I still work on it everyday. Once I fully committed to my goal I had an incredible sense of urgency. I felt like there was never enough hours in the day. For a solid nine months I was running around like a headless chicken feeling like I could barely keep my head above water because there was always something else I could be doing. My clients often discribe this overwhelming feeling to me as well, I hear it in their voice when they so badly want to change something but they feel like they need six arms, a PA and a nanny to have any chance in achieving it. So here’s what I’ve discovered; to achieve great things, whilst still being able to maintain a balance and truly feel content with the life you have now; you have to learn to dance with uncertainty, embrace changes and listen to your bodies infinite wisdom. If you’re committed to your goal, your vision will be progressing everyday but you have to trust the process and learn to look up every now and then to notice the beauty in the process too.

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Committed to progress over perfection, here’s to another incredible year!


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