FREE Online Masterclass

It’s not what you’ve been told!

Let’s clear something up straight away, the real reason diets don’t work for you has NOTHING to do with a lack of will power, or a weakness in your character and it is certainly not your fault that you’ve failed in the past! Here’s the real reason;

You’re following somebody else’s plan!

90% of the ‘solutions’ in the health and fitness industry only work for about 10% of the population, I don’t know about you, but at DayOne Wellness we don’t like to live our lives feeling restricted and being told what to do - it’s what makes us rebel! Sure we can stick to it for a little while, but not the rest of our lives!

If you feel the same way, then we want to help you write your own plan! A plan that will suit your body type, goals and lifestyle. Enter your details below and join us on the 23rd of May for our free online masterclass so we can share with how you CAN achieve sustainable results whilst living life without restrictions!


Got a question about the masterclass? Ask away in the comments below or visit our Facebook page and leave us a message there.

Dedicated to your success,

Pip & The DayOne Wellness Team

2 thoughts on ““FREE Online Masterclass”

  • Emma Mulvihill

    Hi, I’m not sure you will be able to help me as I am physically disabled and suffer a number of illnesses and I am on a lot of medication, I am also unable to exercise due to disabilities and pain.
    What do you recommend

    • Pip Lawrence Post author

      Hi Emma sign up to the masterclass and see for yourself. We’re strong believers that no matter what your situation you can always start moving towards better health and we’ll be covering how during the class.

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