Meet Pip

Hi! I’m Pip - Personal Trainer and Health coach

I created DayOne Wellness to untangle the vast confusion and common misconceptions people have about health, fitness and my least favourite word ‘diets.’ For a subject that is talked about so frequently it’s surprising how little is actually taught about it, so in 2012 I stepped away from the typical fitness industry to develop a method of teaching health, fitness and well-being that is manageable, sustainable, but most importantly enjoyable because none of us do things we don’t like - no matter how good they might be for us!

“Health is more than just living in the absence of disease it’s a state of complete mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.”

My Background

I qualified as a personal trainer at 18, enthusiastic, excited and ready to change the world! Unfortunately, the professional training I received taught me to only focus on exercise and dated nutrition advice. This meant that while some clients would experience some short term benefits, few achieved their long term goals and even fewer experienced the life changing transformation they craved. This didn’t sit well with me, my innate desire to help people wasn’t being fulfilled and I felt like a fraud, so when an opportunity to travel (my second passion) presented itself, I jumped at it.

In 2011 I sold almost everything I owned, including a profitable bootcamp business to backpack around Asia and beyond with my boyfriend Tom. Our adventure kept us out of the UK for 18 months where we met extraordinary people, listened to captivating stories and experienced once in a lifetime moments. For me personally, the trip confirmed subconscious belief’s I’d always had bubbling under my surface. ‘The human body will NATURALLY heal itself if you provide it with the correct nutrients and environment.’ Upon my return to the UK this revelation led me to focusing on finding and healing the root causes of peoples problems for optimal health and well-being rather than focusing solely on losing weight or toning up and DayOne Wellness was born.

I threw myself into research papers, courses, books, podcasts and anything else I could get my hands on. I began implementing my new knowledge and outlook on health in my own life and couldn’t believe the results. I stopped suffering with bloating, my weight dropped under 70kg for the first time in 6 years (even though I’d ran a marathon earlier that year), my skin started glowing and hormonal problems I’d suffered with for years completely disappeared. The irony was I considered myself healthy, so imagine the results my clients began experiencing when I started rolling out my new found knowledge.


  • Telephone:
  • +44 (0) 7770 280 791
  • Email:


  • Level 2 Nutrition & weight management
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer qualification
  • Ante/ Post Natal Qualified
  • Trained in behavioural change & motivational interviewing
  • Exercise Referral Qualified
  • Level 4 Obesity & Diabetes Management

My Thoughts on Health

As a society we have become disconnected from our bodies and rely on a reactive approach to our health. Our bodies give us enough warning signals but many of us are ‘too busy’ to act on them. I believe if you suffer ill health you should first provide your body with everything it naturally needs to heal itself, before opting for medicines or surgical procedures that usually only address symptoms rather than causes.

My mission is to make credible health and well-being advice more accessible and more appealing. It’s not just our own lives we need to be taking more responsibility for, but future generations as well. Currently 1 in 3 year six children are overweight or obese and 1 in 4 people this year will suffer with a mental health condition. Health is the only thing you can put at the top of your priority list and it have a positive impact on everything else underneath, but take it one step at a time. Our coaching method works because it focuses on progress not perfection and addresses the four pillars of wellness; mindset, nutrition, personal resilience and movement.

We have numerous services to help get you started but taking the first step is undoubtedly the hardest part, so if you’re not ready jump in with both feet just yet click the button below to access our free training and register for our monthly newsletters.

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